
Career Report Satisfaction Score



AI Powered Career Rules



Unique Personas Analysis



OodlesIN Career Guidance Test

AI Powered Scholarship Platform to Shortlist The Right Candidate

  • Customized Form Generations
  • Automated Filtering Rules
  • AI Based Assessment Test
  • Proctored Candidate Testing
  • Real Time Notification

Approach to finding your perfect career

Apply as a partner

Apply by filling in an online application form

Initial Screening

Our experts will screen your application

Service demo

Pick up a topic of your choice and give us a quick demo if needed

Onboarding Partner

Once selected, we will train and onboard you on the platform

First Session Online

Once trained, you will be listed on our platform and you will get your first session on time

Designed in guidance with the best Neuroscientist in india

The approach followed by OodlesIN to arrive at the brain score and applicable job areas using AI is really wonderful and well structured. Such asn algorithm can help a lot of needy children who need introspection on what their true capabilities are.

Dr. Manoj Kumar. Neuroscientist

What do our trusted

advisors have to say

OodlesIN has given me an exclusive methodology to understand and counsel each student differently. The brain mapping and career recommendations algorithms prove out to be great enablers along with my personalized counselling frameworks.

John Doe

physics Teacher

OodlesIN is pioneer in the field of holistic leaning and one of the most innovative learning platform in the world. OodlesIN does a 360⁰ assessment of the students to know the exact strengths and weaknesses and recommend tailor made learning packages for the learner.


Chemistry Teacher

OodlesIN's teaching methodologies are unique and state of the art. The personalized knowledge graph not only understands where the basic concepts are lacking, but also recommends the right set of courses to exactly fill in the knowledge gaps.


Yoga Teacher

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